Expelled from Catholic school for:
-Staring out the window.
-Always drawing instead of applying himself.
-Being a disruption to the class, a real ‘wise-acre'.
(Michael says of those early formative years:
"Thank God it was the early 50's and
"Boys will be boys." If I was in school
today and acting up like I did back then,
they'd have me on Lithium.)
-Received a D- in the only art class he ever took.
-Self-taught in water colors, acrylics, video production
and creating paintings on the iPad and iPhone.
Taught Architecture for the Peace Corps in West Africa,
traveled quite a bit of the world, painting as he went.
He now divides his time between Tucson, Arizona
and Lanikai, Hawai’i with his wife Jill and family.
His daily formula of getting up
each day and saying:
“OK, what do I want to create today?”
serves him well in both his art and life.
-Staring out the window.
-Always drawing instead of applying himself.
-Being a disruption to the class, a real ‘wise-acre'.
(Michael says of those early formative years:
"Thank God it was the early 50's and
"Boys will be boys." If I was in school
today and acting up like I did back then,
they'd have me on Lithium.)
-Received a D- in the only art class he ever took.
-Self-taught in water colors, acrylics, video production
and creating paintings on the iPad and iPhone.
Taught Architecture for the Peace Corps in West Africa,
traveled quite a bit of the world, painting as he went.
He now divides his time between Tucson, Arizona
and Lanikai, Hawai’i with his wife Jill and family.
His daily formula of getting up
each day and saying:
“OK, what do I want to create today?”
serves him well in both his art and life.